Clamp On the Pipe

Thermal Energy / BTU Meters

For hospitals, schools, factories, offices and residential buildings, district heating systems, to monitor and control heating and cooling energy usage.


NCME FIXED CLAMP-ON BTU METERThis energy flow meter measures flow and energy usage in BTU or Tons and is ideal for retrofit, chilled water and other HVAC applications.


  • Ideal for your Water, HVAC & Chemical Applications
  • Clamp-On Transducers
  • Line Sizes 0.5” to 100”
  • Energy Model, Temperature, BTU

pdfAdditional Information: NCME Fixed Clamp-On BTU meter


Spire TP 10 ControllerThe TP10 ultrasonic thermal energy meter provides abundant capabilities for accurate thermal energy measurement of a liquid-based thermal energy production / transferring system.

It combines Spire’s high performance Enduroflo ultrasonic flowmeter and a pair of standard PT100 temperature sensors. Due to the non-intrusive nature of this technology, there is no pipe cutting, no moving parts, no pressure drop, no leaks and no risk of contamination. Besides, the installation is simple and requires no special skills or tools.

Two PT100 sensors, which could be either insertion type or surface-mounting type, are used to measure the temperature of the supply flow and the return flow. The energy consumption rate is then calculated based on the temperature difference and the measured flowrate. A built-in energy totalizer is used to accumulate the amount of energy delivered.

The TP10 provides versatile input/output interfaces, such as isolated digital outputs, relay output, batch control, alarm, 4-20mA output. In addition, the built-in isolated RS-485 port with surge protection and MODBUS support makes remote energy monitoring and energy meter networking easy and reliable. Other output modules, such as BACnet module, Ethernet module, GSM/GPRS wireless module, RF module and more, can be added to the standard package.

pdfAdditional Information: Spire TP10 Fixed Clamp-on Thermal Energy BTU Meter Datasheet